So please bear with us while we revamp this site. Once revised, this site will continue its devotion to provide travel stories that nobody reads.

So please bear with us while we revamp this site. Once revised, this site will continue its devotion to provide travel stories that nobody reads.
First you fly into a grassy airport, then you ride a boat to, well, a far end of this beautiful green planet Then you can hang out in this place--Uepi Island--right beside the world's largest ocean lagoon...
Underwater is always strange. If you're a fish, then that is not correct. (Even though you, as a fish, are always stressed about a bigger fish eating you). But if you're human, and since you're reading this, I'm assuming you are, then underwater is a strange place you...
This little gem in the Solomon Islands sits in a beautiful and historic part of our emerald world. But best of all, Tulagi's people are very friendly--in spite of the Great War that raged around them 75 years ago. But before we look at some more of these great, but...
Just dropped into the Solomon Islands and can say the infrastructure is pretty rough. But surrounding this rough, small city (approx. 80,000) are short, jungle-covered mountains. So, with just a short time to post, let's take a look.... These two photos show the...