Before we get some shots of Kampala, this is a gratuitous shot of Mount Meru and her cousin Mount Kilimanjaro.
These photos show the market that's just across the street from my hotel.
Like most cities, Kampala has it's ebb and flow of rush hour traffic. And here, like those other cities, traffic just stops for hours and hours. That's why the boda boda (motorcycle) drivers make a dangerous living zipping between the stopped traffic and carrying their passengers knee-nickingly close to bumpers and fenders. Please note that this was an English colony, so the driving is on the left side of the road.
Well folks, the system here to put photos onto the Internet is real slow. I have spent two days to get what I could into the system. I hope you enjoy my efforts. These efforts are to help the people of Africa. To be frank, I am not sure what efforts can help them.But one thought I have is that if there is a strong effort by all of us to fight against corruption, then there will be a start to helping the people of Africa. Without a fight against corruption all efforts to help Africa fall into Sahara sands.