Here is the road you take to see some giraffes. The troop/herd/gang/gaggle/family/gathering/bundle of giraffes we found numbered more than twenty-five.


I was struck by the amazing poise and gentleness of these almost prehistoric creatures. Watching them move those gangly long legs is worth the price of admission. And one thing I did not know before seeing them in a place where they move about freely is that unlike most other four-legged animals, they walk or run by moving both legs on the same side at the same time: two right legs, then two left legs. Or is it two left legs then two right legs? Looks like I'll have to go out and see them again.

The zebras also know how to impress a crowd. As this gang of zebras started to make it's escape, they clearly paused to line up for a photo opportunity. I know so, because my guide was one of the very few who speaks Zebwahili–a strange dialect similar to Swahili, but spoken only by zebras and well-trained African guides. Thus, the guide was able to provide a play-by-play description of what the boss zebra was saying.

“Alright boys it's time to scram 'cause that tourist is getting too close”

“Wait a second, he's got a camera, so let's hold up for a photo op. I said 'whoa' boys. 'WHOA'!”

“That's starting to look good. Line up just like I've been showing you.

“Good. Good. Just a little tighter boys. And Charlie stop eating the grass.”

“That's got it just fine. Ah c'mon Frank. I said no eating grass during a photo op.”

At least, that is what the guide told me the zebra said.

Before I sign off on this part of our adventure, I just want to point out that the natural beauty that surrounds the animals is also amazing.